Past Insulin 100 Presentations week 1week 10week 11week 12week 2week 3week 4week 5week 6week 7week 8week 9 Immune-based Therapies for Type 1 Diabetes Matthias von Herrath Read the Abstract The Present and Future of Pancreas and Islet Transplantation James Shapiro Therapy of Type 1 Diabetes: The DCCT-EDIC Trials David M. Nathan, MD Read the Abstract Therapeutic Approaches to Circumventing Autoimmunity Kevan Herold, MD Insights from the T1D Exchange Experience David Maahs, MD, PhD Evolving Technologies for the Management of Diabetes and Pregnancy Denice Feig, MD Novel Strategies for Defeating Islet Autoimmunity Pere Santamaria Islet Inflammation and Type 1 Diabetes – New Perspectives Decio L. Eizirik, MD, PhD The Bleeding Edge: Open Source Algorithms, Research & What’s Next in Do-It-Yourself Artificial Pancreas Systems Dana Lewis New Closed Loop Insulin Systems Roman Hovorka, PhD Read the Abstract Whither the Future of Insulin Management in Type 2 Diabetes? John Buse, MD, PhD Insulin Action in Muscle and Fat Promoting Glucose Uptake Amira Klip, PhD Defining the Underlying Defect in Insulin Action in Diabetes C. Ronald Kahn Read the Abstract Insulin Action in the Kidney Richard Coward The Future of Smart Insulin Delivery Michael A. Weiss Read the Abstract Realizing the Promise of Stem Cell Therapy Douglas Melton, PhD Read the Abstract Molecular Insights Into Islet Autoimmunity Alice Long, PhD Preventing Type 1 Diabetes Carla J. Greenbaum, MD Insulin and Beyond in the Hospitalized Patient Guillermo E. Umpierrez, MD, CDE Global Challenges in the Insulin Supply Change Jean Claude Mbanya, MD, PhD, FRCP Read the Abstract Barriers to Insulin Use in Adults Irl B. Hirsch, MD, MACP Cellular Consequences of Hypoglycemia Rory McCrimmon, MBChB, MD Read the Abstract Minimizing Hypoglycemia in the Real World Chantal Mathieu, MD, PhD Read the Abstract Clinical Consequences of Hypoglycemia Stephanie Amiel, BSc, MBBS, MD, FRCP Read the Abstract The Eli Lilly Insulin Story Ruth E. Gimeno, PhD The Novo Nordisk Insulin Story Peter Kurtzhals, PhD Historical context at the University of Toronto Bernard Zinman Read the Abstract