Hi, I saw your video, great work. I am presenting the abstract "Insulin Receptor Expression In Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells As An Early Biomarker For Glucose Metabolism And Adiposity In Mother-child Dyads". I was wondering how you defined the cutoff point of 1,95 for the HOMA index.
The topic of obesity biomarkers in children is of great importance, and the miRNAs seem to be a good and new approach
Dra. María Florencia Andreoli
Investigadora Adjunta CONICET
Laboratorio de Bioquímica del Control del Apetito
Instituto de Desarrollo e Investigaciones Pediátricas (IDIP) "Prof Dr Fernando Viteri"
Hospital de Niños de la Plata - Comisión de Investigaciones Científicas CIC-PBA
Tel: 54 221 4535901 int 1767
63 # 1069, esq 16. La Plata. Argentina. CP 1900